Come on, make a sauce linguini
Alfredo did fettechini
But you can ravioli me!
Mabel, Mabel set the table
Bet your peaches you are able
All together let's read the label:
Go ahead, make my dinner
Go ahead, make my dinner
Go ahead!

Boil, boil, I double dare ya
Bubble, steam, don't let it scare ya
Quick drop the lobster in the pot!
Slice, spice, you're doin' fine
Wok the veggies -- oil time
Now just do the coffee grind
Go ahead, make my dinner
Go ahead, make my dinner
Go ahead!

Ease up on take out
Make a hearty meal when friends drop by
Do a midnight dish, delish
Cooked by you
Go ahead, make my dinner.

Shove the shaman in the oven
Kitchen witches make my coven
I Ching, the Caldron waits for thee
Bro' raise Cain,
Go braise Abel
Fret your leeches in key of playful
All a-flour let's great this fable!
Go ahead, make my dinner
Re-mix me here...take my licks y'all
Go ahead, make my dinner
Man the boats, the gravy's murky
Go ahead, make my dinner...

©Lisa Parkins. All rights reserved.
Page design Healy Gates.